Why I Quit Mechanical Engineering at 22?

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Why I Quit Mechanical Engineering at 22?

After completing 4 years of Full-time Degree in Mechanical Engineering, I finally decided to say goodbye to it! Let's know Why?

Hello, I am Pratik Mahadik graduated from Pune University with a 9.3 CGPA.

During my last semester, I got an offer from Capgemini for an Analyst role and I accepted it. Then I had my training for CapG known as ADAPT. As always training went well for me & completed it in Aug 2022.

After that, the term Recession came and gave a twist to my life. The onboarding that was supposed to happen didn't happen from Aug 2022 to till now. I was waiting for it but it never came.

In this phase of nearly 4 months, I came to know Web Development and I Found The Purpose of my life. After reading and watching lots of videos I finally decide to become a Full Stack Developer as it fascinates me like never before.

The decision to quit Mechanical Engineering was based on How I Want My Life to be! It just gave me Clarity and Peace that What I wanted to do in life.

What fascinates or drove me towards Web Development that we will discuss in upcoming Sunday? Every Sunday I open up about myself and share with you.

and let me tell you, " It's never too late for a new beginning in life."

If you have anything to help me out to become Full Stack Developer just comment it out so others can know.

Thank you